That's right, Dylan went pee pee in the potty for the first time yesterday. He mostly uses his potty as a stool to reach items in cupboards or drawers he's not suppose have or, can be seen on a regular basis wearing the inside cushion ring as a "hat." Not yesterday, we made some serious potty training progress. After some "encouraging" with candy and the park, Dylan sat on his potty and pushed out a little bit of pee. I don't think he really needed to go but he wasn't about to pass up the chance for some chocolate. We aren't actually "potty training" at this point but at least he knows how to use the potty when he decides he wants to. We actually took a picture of him in action, I know its sideways, blogger loaded it that way.
Slow Start
1 week ago
HOW CUTE IS THAT!!! You are a brave woman, but since I've talked to you on the phone, I know your theory of potty training, and I cant agree more! But, he is awfully cute on that potty! I haven't even pulled mine out for Carson-- well not mine... the one I bought for Carson, haha!!! Mine is stored neatly on the top shelf in our bedroom!! Man, I'm an idiot!
Anyway, GOOD JOB LITTLE MAN!!!! Hope your little brother or sister learns a lot from you =)
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